最も恐ろしいと怪物Hash-slinging slasher。
Urban Legend Series: SIXTH CUT
According to this legend, the hash-slinging slasher was a former fast food cook who worked at a popular fast food restaurant years ago and was very clumsy. One night, the slasher accidentally severed one of his hands by mistake while cutting hamburger meat. He then replaced his hand with a rusty spatula after being fired by his manager, Mr. Krabs. After this, he developed a hatred for fast food cooks and restaurants in general. Unfortunately he was hit and killed by a bus shortly after. And on dark, stormy nights his spirit comes back to haunt fast food restaurants seeking revenge.
One late night there were two fast food workers working the graveyard shift; Matt and Ericson. Ericson, sensing Matt’s fear, tells him the story of the “hash-slinging slasher”. Ericson continues to explain the three signs of the ghost’s return: the lights flickering on and off, the phone ringing with no one answering, and the arrival of the ghost bus that had hit and killed cook.
Ericson then laughs at Matt’s screams of fright, but when his screaming doesn’t stop, an annoyed Ericson tells Matt that he was joking and that the story is not true. Suddenly, the lights begin flickering, Ericson then blames the faulty electrical wiring. The next moment, the phone rings but remains silent when Matt answers. The two become more nervous as these are two of the three signs that supposedly mean the arrival of the Hash-Slinging Slasher. While trying to remember the third sign, a bus pulls up to the restaurant, even though the buses don’t run this late. It’s lone passenger is a shadow-covered figure with what appears to be glowing red eyes wielding a spatula. Ericson and Matt scream…
What happened next? You’ll have to ask them at your next online lesson. Have a great week!
Slasher – 切り裂く人
Clumsy – 不器用な
To sever – 切断する
Rusty – さびついた
Spatula – へら・フライ返し
To Haunt – 取り憑く
To Seek – 探す・探し求める
Graveyard Shift – 深夜勤務
Fear – 恐れ
To Flicker – ゆらめく
Fright – 恐怖
To Blame – 〜のせいにする
Faulty – 欠陥のある
Lone – 唯一の
To Wield – (武器などを)ふるう・持つ