



WEEK 10 – School Lunch

Do you remember back in the day when you were a student and you had school lunch?  How was the food?  Was it healthy? Was it cheap? Was it delicious?  In the U.S. school food quality and cost depends on the school district.  Some districts make contracts with food suppliers and companies, whereas some schools make their own food.  When I was in elementary and junior high school I remember school lunch costing about 75 cents and in high school $1.10. Richer areas would have better and more expensive food.  But in my case,  there would be a main dish, which was different everyday (pizza, pasta, tacos, stew, hamburger etc.), bread, fruit, sometimes a dessert and we had an open salad bar. We also got milk, which I believe is the same as Japan.   The taste was always hit or miss.  Of course, some kids prefer to bring their own lunch from home but I think most kids would buy a school lunch rather than bringing a bag lunch.  What do you remember about your school lunch?


Back in the day – 昔・以前

School District – 学区

Suppliers – 業者

Hit or miss – まちまち・運次第

Bag lunch – 弁当