


WEEK 6 – Pizza

Today’s topic is pizza chains.  There are so many pizza chains around the world, in the US and in Japan.  The big 2 that dominate the world are Pizza Hut and Dominos.  There are many other chains in the US such as Papa Johns, Little Caesars and Sbarro; the same can also be said about Japan, there are many other chains, Pizza-la, Aokis, or local ones, such as, Pizza Carry.   There is a big difference between pizza. There are different styles too, like Chicago style or Brooklyn style.  Of course, the size, as with many other things, in the U.S. size is almost always bigger.  The other big difference is the price, types of pizza, toppings and sides.  One of the biggest examples of culture shock is the notion of putting corn on pizza; this is virtually unheard of in the U.S..  Japan often has different types of pizza for shock value, for example the 1 kilogram cheese pizza.  So you could say Japan has more unique and different kinds of pizza.

  Another difference is price, many things including ingredients are purchased in much larger quantities and thus cheaper.  On average, in my opinion, the U.S. is 30 percent cheaper.  As for delivery, the experience I’ve had in Japan is that it is much quicker.  There are many differences but overall,  I don’t think one is better that the other.  They both have their unique points.


To dominate – 支配する・牛耳る

Such as – 〜のような

Notion – 考え

Virtually – ほとんど・実際的には

Quantities – 量

Thus – 従って